
The Principle

The Ritam principle is a scientific and epistemological principle according to which every finding or element of knowledge gets related to its underlying findings, theories or premises. In that way the chain of gaining knowledge and building theories can be followed back to the most fundamental premises without any gaps.

“Ritam” is derived from Sanskrit and has the meaning “divine fundamental order”.


- A leaf on a tree can only  grow when it has a connection to the root.

- A scientific theory must always be related without any gaps to all theories from which it is derived and to all empirical evidence it relies upon.

- The interpretation of an empirical finding always has to state on which theories it is based and upon which other empirical evidence it relies.

- When a scientific theory is discarded, all theories derived from it must be checked for validity.

- It must  be possible for each theory formulated according to the Ritam principle to be traced back to fundamental premises without any gaps.

- For any new scientific paper a complete list of everything it is based on according to the Ritam principle should be mandatory. In this way it can easily and quickly get integrated into the “tree of knowledge”.
